Friday, March 18, 2022

An Appeal to the Modern Day Church


An Appeal to the Modern Day Church

I appeal to the modern-day church, and to its apologetics supporters, to overcome about 120 years of the accumulated "traditions of the fathers" which have moved it backwards in time so that it is now mostly an Old Testament church in concept and operation, and to reform itself into once again being a truly New Testament church.

I have prepared about 500 pages of information, some detailed, and some which contain summaries and advocacy (about 50 pages), which are intended to demonstrate the following:

1. My main published book (about 450 pages) quotes extensively from three different books which are from 200 to 400 years old which demonstrate that the mandatory payment of tithing had no part in the New Testament church, being in complete conflict with the New Testament concept of charity. Today's tithing processes are an indication and a relic of slipping back into an Old Testament mindset which the New Testament church had escaped.

2. That same book demonstrates that all of the FAIR Mormon arguments about the current day LDS church not being a priestcraft church prove exactly the opposite if read sensibly and in proper context.  And there is much more scriptural information available that could be presented indicating that the Church today is in fact a priestcraft church, but hopefully 64 pages of material will be enough on that point.

3. The actual effect of the church organization today is to greatly limit the growth and influence of the gospel, making the church's behavior completely at odds with the hundreds of scriptural evidences that the mission of the church in these latter days is to support the spread of the gospel and its influence, rather than suppress it for the benefit of a relatively small central organization.

There is every indication that the decline of the church documented in 4 Nephi, and the ultimate dissolution of the church and the very society of which it was part, will again be our fate today if no vigorous compensating action is taken.

I realize that it is almost inconceivable that a deteriorated church can revive itself to what it should be, pulling itself back up by its bootstraps, so to speak, without some intervening cataclysmic event.  Such a spontaneous self-correction process would alone be a miracle.  I know of no other case where that has happened.  But that is what I request happen today. We have the interesting historical case of Martin Luther where he objected to the behavior of the prevailing church in his time. He did not see a reforming of the prevailing church, but from his beginning efforts arose the Protestant Reformation which offered some much better substitutes, although still imperfect.

The trail through 500 pages of information begins on my blog website at  There are about five blog posts on that website which are all relevant, plus a link to the full text of my book.  A paper copy of the book can be purchased on Amazon.  Links to the full text of all six of my books appear below.

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