Tuesday, March 15, 2022

LDS Church Business Model in 2020

 LDS Church Business Model in 2020 

At this point in its history, essentially all LDS church management rules of operation can be summarized into two main categories:

1. Never let a group of Mormons practice their religion without paying a franchise tax which is set at 10% of their annual income every year.

2. Never allow the church to disturb society, or let the members disturb society, in any way, by engaging in any social or political activism that could generate any enemies or social or political pushback. This rule helps maximize the income from rule number one.

According to the same underlying analysis, the church today is about twice as big as the church leaders would prefer it to be, the main indicator being that it pays twice as much tithing as the safest amount, meaning that the tithing paid is twice too big for long-term uncontested operation of the church. If that is correct, we should expect to see the church leaders tend to make decisions that will keep the church from growing and may actually cause it to shrink further. By my calculations, using church-supplied data, the year 2020 saw the church actually shrink by 25,000. The mortality rates on a group of 16 million people should be about 150,000 per year. With a reported 125,000 converts, that would indicate a 25,000 decline in membership. 2020 was a bad year, probably because of COVID-19, but, historically, the church has often grown during hard times because of service rendered.

Materials For Further Research and Proof

There are several layers of materials available for those who wish to check and verify everything I have to say on all topics about the current church. The first four layers, consisting of relatively summarized information, exist on my blog at FutureMormonism.blogspot.com.  If one wishes to go deeper, the further layers of information are in my five books which are available in their downloadable fulltext form (PDF).

Hopefully of most immediate interest will be my 2020 book entitled Is the Church As True As the Gospel? A Constitutional Approach. As far as space devoted is concerned, the two main points in that book are 

1) The fact that tithing had no place in the New Testament church,  and so should not be in the church today, and 

2) That the church today claims to not be a priestcraft church, even though it perfectly fulfills every measure of a priestcraft church. 

The church and its supporters have tried to put out extensive arguments claiming that it is not a priestcraft church, but every one of those arguments is complete nonsense, as demonstrated in multiple chapters in the 2020 book.  There is actually a great deal more material available which could be presented on that topic of priestcraft, but hopefully what I have presented will be sufficient. If what I have written is not sufficient or not self-explanatory, perhaps I can add a supplemental chapter later on.

Going even deeper into important and relevant analyses of church history and doctrine are the earlier four books. 

My six books and their Internet addresses:

1. Joseph Smith's United Order: A Non-Communalistic Interpretation, 387 pages


2. Brigham Young's United Order: A Contextual Interpretation, 365 pages


3. Brigham Young's United Order: A Contextual Interpretation; Volume 2, Related Anomalies and Side Issues, 604 pages


4. Creating the Millennium: Social Forces and Church Growth in the 21st Century, 279 pages


5. Is the Church As True As the Gospel? A Constitutional Approach, 470 pages


6. Save the world by ending Old Testament-style mandatory tithing, and vigorously starting New Testament-style free-will charity, 149 pages


An online post for discussion: 

7. "After only 200 years, theologically the LDS Church has already mostly become the Catholic Church. Is everybody okay with that?"   14 pages

8.  Imperial Church: The (5%) True Church

9. Can we "Restore the Restoration" and make the LDS church relevant again? 
20231004 Deal with the devil-V27  --October 4, 2023 -- 73 pages

10. A Short Version of LDS History and Theology. Can And Should Men Become Like God? Do We Still Believe That?
October 19, 2023  -- 6 pages
20231022 short theology-V07-trim - Copy.pdf

11. LDS theology anomalies
20231021 email on priestcraft-V04-trim.docx
Oct. 21, 2023 -- 2 pages

To go down one step further in levels of detail refer to other books which deal with more specific aspects of church doctrine such the church's treatment of atheistic organic evolution. (To be added.)

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